Final Conference in San Servolo, Venice (Italy) - 16th October 2023
Workshop 6 - University of Barcelona
TubInTrain group in Alcalà De Henares, Spain! 6/7 October 2022 - Workshop 4
WP2 Meeting: a focus on alpha-synuclein Milan 24-25 March 2022
Workshop 5 in Strasbourg!!! 10-11 February 2022
Workshop in Favignana! 6-9th October 2021
UNIMI-TubInTrain Group!
MID-TERM MEETING 21 April 2021
European Joint Doctorate on chemistry and biology of neurodegeneration10Research Groups9European Universities 2 Research Institutes9Companies around 6 European Countries13PhD Students
Marie-Skłodowska Curie Innovative Training Network funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme10Research Groups9European Universities 2 Research Institute9Companies around 6 European Countries13PhD Students
Double Doctorate Level Training Programme toward future Key Scientists and Researchers10Research Groups9European Universities 2 Research Institute9Companies around 6 European Countries13PhD Students
About us
TubInTrain is an European Joint Doctorate on chemistry and biology and focused on the microtubules breakdown associated to neurodegenerative diseases and neurotoxicity.
TubInTrain mission is to:
- develop an Elite European Doctorate School to train ESRs in the context of neurodegeneration as well as in essential scientific, entrepreneurial and management skills;
- create a multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial network for long-term cooperation in the research training of internationally oriented scientists for the global workplace;
- train a new generation of cutting-edge researchers/professionals for employment by highly attractive European Institutions.
TubInTrain Consortium is composed by 9 European Universities, 2 research institutes and 9 companies around 6 European Countries.
10 research groups are involved with expertise in: Computational Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Molecular Biology, Protein Biochemistry, Metabolomics.
13 Early stage researchers (ESR) will be enrolled. Two secondments are planned to improve the ESR research and training programs with management skills. ESRs will benefit of lectures/Training Schools/Workshops integrating the local graduate programs.
This process coaches ESRs to: rise to challenges, be flexible/adaptable, achieve valuable attributes for today’s knowledge-based environment, be ready for creative and leadership roles in industry/academy/public sectors.
The TubInTrain Joint Doctoral project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-MSCA- ITN-2019- EJD: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (European Joint Doctorate) – Grant agreement nº: 860070 – TubInTrain

Supervisors and Project Manager
PhD Students
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860070